Parent Code of Conduct
RDCSC Parent Code of Conduct Agreement
As a parent of a swimmer and member of Red Deer Catalina Swim Club (RDCSC), I will abide by the following
1. As a parent, I will not coach or instruct the team or any swimmer at a practice or meets (from the stands
or any other area) or interfere with coaches on the pool deck.
2. I understand the coaches have my swimmers’ best interest in mind when selecting swim meets, events
and swim group / teams and will abide by the coaches decisions.
3. I will maintain self-control at all times. Know my role.
Officials Officiate
Parents Support
4. I will enjoy involvement with Red Deer Catalina Swim Club by supporting the swimmers, coaches and
other parents with positive communication and actions.
5. I will support the swim club in major fundraising events and understand that my participation is valuable
(mandatory) to the success of the club.
6. I will proactively seek opportunities to support RDCSC and not just do the minimum.
I understand that if I breach the policies or procedures or conduct myself in such a way that brings discredit or
discord to Red Deer Catalina Swim Club, or to Swim Alberta/Swim Canada, I voluntarily subject myself to
disciplinary action up to and including termination of membership, as per Red Deer Catalina Swim Clubs
policies and Bylaws.
I have read and agree to the agreement.